About Lanla Acogny Dance
LANLA is an international organization dedicated to promote, investigate and expand the technique Germaine Acogny.
LANLA expands this codified African contemporary dance technique on an international level.
LANLA aims to build a platform to show and promote the work of the artists who are developing and working with the technique Acogny.
Internationally, LANLA is offering workshops, performances and demonstrations about this codified African contemporary dance technique.
#themarch #lanlamove #germaineacogny
#themarch #lanlamove #germaineacogny #siakatraore
#themarch #lanlamove #germaineacogny #siakatraore
#themarch #lanlamove #germaineacogny #siakatraore
#themarch #lanlamove #germaineacogny #siakatraore
#themarch #lanlamove #germaineacogny #siakatraore
#themarch #lanlamove #germaineacogny #aidacolmenero #berniseck
#themarch #lanlamove #germaineacogny #siakatraore
Let's talk, let´s smile
Hello, it will be a pleasure to hear from you.
If you want to put Acogny on you, let´s talk!